
We are open from 7:30am - 8:00pm, Mon - Sat. Only closed Sundays, National holidays, New year and GW.
Parents can request extended lesson hours and reschedule make up days for lessons missed. We are also able to offer support classes and individual consultation for your child's next stage in their educations.

Once you become a member, you can access your own member page and make meal orders, change attendance schedules and read school letters 24 hours a day.

The school holds several exams throughout the year and if you wish for your child to challenge those exams, we can help with focused study.

TOEFL + EIKEN/ French/ Arabic/ Kanji

At Star Brains students study for the early levels of the TOEFL or EIKEN tests. As well, we have standardized profiency examinations for each language studied at Star Brains.

MEALS - Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

For information about meal plans, prices, and our food policies, read on here.


We offer flexible schedules for accomodating students and parents. Missed days, extended hours, and planning pick up times can all be planned.


At Star Brains our goal is to support each student to the best of their needs. This means not only helping them now, but helping to plan for their future.