入学願書は、メール/FAXでも受け付けております。下記ファイルをダウンロードいただき、ご記入後下記宛先にお送り下さい。 FAX:078-231-8895 Mail:info@starbrains.net
ApplyAdmission(Excel) ApplyAdmission (Pdf)
Please fill in this form below, and click for confirmation. It is necessary to complete parts marked ●.
Last name : First name :
* Please write your name in alphabet. We will contact to the person above.
* Please feel free to tick more than one box.
* Please fill in your comment below for the family chose‘others. :
* Please write your name in alphabet.
---Please choose.--- Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Age6 Age7 Age8 Age9 Age10 Age11 Age12-16 Others
* Choose present child's age.
* Please enter with a half-size font character.
Please send me a school guide for Kobe school
I would like to visit school
Please send me a application form for Kobe school
I would like to have a trial lesson.
I would like to enroll my child to school
Weekday class
Saturday class
After Class(available from 2 days per week after 14:00)
TOEFL Junior class
Global bridge class
Athletic primary class
WEB site
Introduced from the member
From a friend
Any question / Comments?