Inquiry Form


ApplyAdmission(Excel)    ApplyAdmission (Pdf)

Please fill in this form below, and click for confirmation. It is necessary to complete parts marked .

Parents' name

Last name :   First name :

* Please write your name in alphabet. We will contact to the person above.


* Please feel free to tick more than one box.

* Please fill in your comment below for the family chose‘others. :

First child's information
Child's name

Last name :   First name :

* Please write your name in alphabet.

Child's age

* Choose present child's age.

Child's gender  
Second child's information
Child's name

Last name :   First name :

* Please write your name in alphabet.

Child's age

* Choose present child's age.

Child's gender  
Third child's information
Child's name

Last name :   First name :

* Please write your name in alphabet.

Child's age

* Choose present child's age.

Child's gender  
Zip code

* Please enter with a half-size font character.


* Please enter with a half-size font character.

May we contact you by phone?  
Which language should we use when contacting you?  
Request (Please click if you require any of the following.)

* Please feel free to tick more than one box.


* Please feel free to tick more than one box.

How did you hear about Star Brains International School?

* Please feel free to tick more than one box.

Any question / Comments?

Your personal information will be used only for this inquiry and will not be used for any other purpose.